How to Find a Reliable Pet Sitter

For those not acquainted with the term, pet sitters are professional individuals who can be hired to take care of your pet in times of need. Quite similar to babysitting and house sitting, this profession has gained a great deal of recognition across the globe, especially among those who lead busy lifestyles and simply can’t seem to find enough time to nurture their pets. Whether it’s an urgent business trip, a vacation or a new job with hectic work hours, a pet sitter is the best solution when it comes to making sure that your pet is well taken care of. Of course, you probably want what’s best for your pet and finding a reliable pet sitter can indeed be a hassle. In order to find a real, qualified professional, make sure to keep these few things in mind.

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Before you start making any kind of arrangements, first check whether you have a friend or a family member who is willing to take upon the task of taking care of your pet. This is always the best option, as pets generally feel more comfortable with familiar people, rather than strangers, no matter how qualified they are. If this isn’t the case, you can always ask someone reliable to personally recommend a pet sitter. This can save you both the time and energy from going through the hassle of interviewing and finding the perfect sitter for your pet.

Check the References

If it so happens that you find yourself in a situation where you need to hire someone unknown, the best option by far is to opt for professional pet sitter companies or top qualified individuals. This way you can be sure that you’re leaving your pet in safe hands. Of course, no matter how professional and qualified a person is, the best you can do is check their background and references. This can give you a good insight in the previous engagements of the sitter. It’s also important to check whether the said company (or individual) is fully bonded and insured.

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Training and Abilities

Another important aspect of hiring a good pet sitter is getting a good insight into their abilities, completed programs and training. This is a crucial factor that could determine the overall choice of the sitter, as you want to hire someone who is eligible to provide your pet with services and care it deserves. This is especially important if you have an exotic animal species or a pet with special needs.

Establish the Terms

One of the most common mistakes when concluding any kind of business is forgetting to establish the terms of agreement. When it comes to these kinds of arrangements, it’s crucial to keep in mind that you shouldn’t presume anything and that nothing goes without saying. Before you sign the contract or officially hire someone, make sure to establish everything you expect the sitter to do. This involves giving your potential sitter a list of chores, tasks and schedules of how and when your pet needs to eat, sleep, go for a walk, take medication etc.

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Give Them Insight

Lastly, if you wish to get the best possible care for your pet, it will be necessary to provide your sitter with all the essential documents, supplies and information regarding your pet. The list of foods, treats, vitamins and possible medications are indispensable for pet sitting, as well as a list of emergency contacts and veterinary office information.

Once you gather all the needed information about the company or the person you’re planning to hire, make sure to invite them to your house for a short meeting. This will help your sitter get a proper insight in your home and surroundings, but most importantly it will give your pet a chance to get acquainted with its new caretaker.

By Guest Author

Puppy Education is a site dedicated for dog owners on how to train and look after their puppy. If you have a puppy and would like to share your own experiences and knowledge, you can write for Puppy Education.